Sunday, June 3, 2012

Beachbody Ultimate Reset Day 3

Day 3.

Is it really only Day 3?  It feels like I've been doing this Reset for a lot longer than that.  ;)  I don't mean that in a bad way, but I feel like because of the mass amounts of food I've been prepping, it just feels like it's been a lot longer than 3 days.  

I am loving all of the veggies that I'm eating on the Reset.  I like veggies normally, but I don't usually take the time to prep my foods to be this healthy and full of fresh produce.  This has been a really good reminder of how great it feels to FUEL my body instead of just grabbing for the quickest thing that is available.  Because of that, I feel like even after the Reset, I will be much more mindful of what food I'm feeding myself, as well as my family.  THAT is a bonus!

Today I felt some cravings for food that isn't on the plan.  I would have loved some toast and homemade jam.  Or maybe some pasta.  (Both of which, we have at home so it's even a bigger plus that I resisted!)  Mmmm!  But I'm proud of myself that I didn't cave in!  

So I stuck to the plan, took my supplements on time, and I was even able to get some prep work done for some of the meals later on in the week.  As the Reset goes on, I want to get better at planning and preparation so that I don't feel like I'm in the kitchen all the time and that I have a zillion dirty dishes to clean.  

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