Monday, December 6, 2010

Neighbor Gifts?

Ever since I was a little girl, my family's Christmas tradition was making sugar cookies. We always thought our recipe was the very best tasting with that 'secret' ingredient to make them taste AMAZING!
Apparently, because we thought we were the bomb, we'd give these cookies to all of our friends and neighbors, thinking (and hoping) they'd also think we were the bomb.
But really, when I think back on it, people probably just looked at our cookies among the other plates of holiday treats and passed right over them, heading for the fancier looking goodies. Even the best tasting sugar cookie isn't something I'd choose over a truffle, or peanut butter chocolate concoction.
I'm getting off track here...anyway my point is this: I know I've got a great sugar cookie recipe, and I even have a bunch of neighbors that I like, but this year, I'm boycotting sending plates full of sugar, lard, and over-processed flour (you know, the stuff that you make cookies with) to these folks. It's nothing personal against them, I just don't have the willpower to not eat a bunch of the cookies myself. Therefore, I'm choosing to not make them.

SO, my question is: What is a good gift to give neighbors that isn't too expensive and that isn't loaded with sugar? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

Happy Holidays!


Anonymous said...

Warm biscuits and homemade jam on a weekend morning.

AP said...

Tea? I love hot tea on a cold day.