Friday, February 8, 2013

Stop Making Excuses for Yourself!

I have committed to waking up and doing Insanity early, 6 days a week.  What's early for me?  5am during the week and 6am on the weekends.  I'm only on the first month, but I have committed to completing the whole 60-day program.  People say to me all the time, "Oh, I'm SO not a morning person.  I don't know how you do it."  I'm going to let you in on a little secret.  I'm going to tell you how I do it...

Decide that you are going to do it.  Commit to your goal.  And guess what?  You will SUCCEED!

Has it always been easy for me to be really motivated with my workouts?  No way!  In fact, I'm not a naturally motivated person - especially when it comes to physical stuff.  If there's a way to cheat an exercise or half-ass something, I've been known to take that easy road on many occasions.  

So, what has changed? 

Did I have a near-death experience that all of the sudden got me more motivated to live life to the fullest?  


Am I entering some sort of race or fitness competition?


Did I get bit by a radio-active spider?  

Wait, what?!  


I DECIDED that I wanted more for myself.  I DECIDED that I wasn't going to get in my own way anymore.  I DECIDED that by waking up and working out before my family is awake that I can spend more time with them during the hours we do have together.  I DECIDED that I was sick of hearing my own excuses.   

I have COMMITTED to being successful.  Now, not the fake kind of committment.  Not the kind where at night you say to yourself, "Yeah, I want to try and get up to workout in the morning," but you never actually do because right there from the get-go, you were giving yourself and out by saying, "I'll TRY."  I don't just say I'll TRY.  I DO!  I set my gym clothes out the night before, and I set my alarm for 4am and when it goes off, I immediately wake up (no snooze), walk into the bathroom, and turn the lights on.  I repeat to myself, "I'm awake, I'm awake, I'm awake," and even though I may have to take a few minutes to REALLY wake up - I never give myself the opportunity to quit.  I never even entertain the thought of going back to bed.

Successful people do what others will not.

I WILL be SUCCESSFUL!  I know I will.  It's just that simple.

YOU have to make the decision to want more for yourself.  Some days are harder than others, and sometimes you might slip up.  But if you stay committed to your goals, you WILL achieve anything you want to!

1 comment:

J said...

My husband and I do this and I have to admit "this sh*t is bananas" as Sean says! It's hard, but it works. My husband did the whole 3 months and he was a different person. Love the video!!! I miss Turbo Kick class... :(